To raise awareness about the underlying plot by the elitists (aka zionists, illuminati, cabal, satanists, wealthy 1%) to take control over, run and own the entire world to bring the NWO (new world order) agenda of theirs to fruition: ONE world tyrannical government ruled by them, ONE world church to worship lucifer, ONE world bank owned by them, ONE world military under their order... in essence, all the world and all the 99% remaining people (not them) they desire to enslave, own, and control. THIS would be a travesty no words can describe upon us all, upon humanity, upon the world. We, the 99% peoples of the world, must unite and prevent this from ever happening. These elitists are deeply rooted in almost every government of the world. We all must do everything we can to break apart, destroy this mission and Break Free from their wicked grip on the world.
This Is How To Find Out Who’s Tracking You Through Your Smartphone – Anonymous
Profit Pie


We, the 99%, must learn well our enemy, expose them for the wicked people they are, and then incarcerate them and throw away the key. 

An excellent read covering the long history of the wicked Rothschild influence over the world for centuries:

